昔日人流興旺的全寶商場,如今卻變成死場,幾乎人煙絕跡。商場的結界意外於六十年一遇的最陰日——「三破日」被打開,釋放出古怪的橙煙,吸入者會生水泡、流膿,最終變成「殭屍」,在商場展開大屍殺!影碟鋪老闆森哥(姜皓文 飾)、森哥的女兒阿欣(王家晴 飾)、風水師傅麥師傅(楊偉倫 飾)及僅存的幾位街坊,拼命抵擋殭屍的襲擊。但不論武力或符咒也無法將其消滅,且奇怪的是並非每個人死後都會變成殭屍。經歷一場人屍大戰後,商場已如煉獄。麥師傅從祖傳的「天書」得知,殭屍原來與「七魄」有關⋯⋯
On the most ominous day in every sixty years, a mysterious protection by talismans in a deserted mall is accidentally breached, releasing strange orange smoke. Those who inhaled eventually became “zombies”, sparking a massive slaughter in the mall!
Video store owner Sam (Philip Keung), his daughter Yan (Candy Wong), Feng Shui Master Mak (Alan Yeung) and few remaining tenants desperately fend off the zombie onslaught. But the zombies are nearly indestructible, even talismans could not stop them. And strangely, not everyone who died turned into a zombie. After battles between the living and the dead, the mall became hellish.
Master Mak discovered from the ancestral scripture that these “zombies” are actually related to the “Seven Po” …